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ONA is the professional association for all registered nurses in Oklahoma -- the community of nurses across all specialties and practice settings working to promote the profession of nursing. This community of nurses is working to address the issues that face nursing on a daily basis, as well as other issues of importance – nurse-force numbers, workplace safety, standards of care, scope of practice and patient safety. ONA focuses on practice, educational, political, and professional issues that impact registered nurses in Oklahoma. ONA does this for you by focusing on YOU!

Standard Joint Membership (ONA & ANA)

$183 annually or $15.75 per month.

Members enjoy significant benefits that are valued at nearly $1500.

Standard ANA benefits include:

    • FREE American Nurse Journal
    • $100 discount on ANCC Certification
    • Webinars with free CNE
    • Mentoring programs
    • Nurse Burnout Prevention Program
    • Online communities
    • And much more!
Standard ONA benefits include:
    • ONA member newsletters
    • Representation in state government advocacy on critical issues
    • Local networking opportunities, both in-person and virtual
    • Education and career development resources
    • And more!

Premier Joint Membership (ONA & ANA)

$298.50 annually or $25.38 per month.

This enhanced membership provides nearly $2500 of total value

Premier Membership provides all the benefits of Standard Membership PLUS:

    • An additional $100 discount on ANCC Certification for a $200 total discount
    • A FREE webinar on Strategies for Certification Exam Success
    • Free online courses on ethics, leadership, mental health and well-being, and more – earn up to 163 CNE credits
    • Three free e-books
    • $25 savings on a selected ONA event
    • And more!


Note: Because your membership dues were processed through ANA, please refer to the following instructions.

To renew your membership online, visit and login to your MyANA page. Once logged in, if it is time for you to renew your membership, you will see a renew membership message in the main shaded box at the top right. Please click on this to renew your membership.

If your membership has been canceled, you will not see the renewal option. Please follow the join process to reinstate your membership.

If your status has changed or you wish to change your state affiliation, please updated your information at: or call 1-800-923-7709. We will provide information on your new dues rate if applicable as dues vary by state and may vary by status.

If you do not see the renewal option after logging in to the Members Only section and believe that this is an error or have any other issues regarding membership renewal, please contact Membership Billing at (800) 923-7709 or email We will be happy to assist you.

6608 N. Western, #627 | Oklahoma City, OK 73116

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